
Where do ideas come from (again)

willow pattern...mount fuji
Sometimes ideas just come, but sometimes you have to rummage about for them. Sometimes I envy people who see a beautiful landscape and paint it because 'wow!', but animation doesn't really work like that....so...I'm looking for a pair of willow-pattern earrings to replace some I lost, and found these worn fragments somewhere in the depths of ebay(?). They were the 'wow!' The story developed from china plates, from the idea that Willow Pattern tells a whole story and represents a whole world with a different culture, time, and geography. Then, as I had failed to plan the story got stuck in scones and cake, (possibly hungry??) So I started thinking about a resolution I had made to try to make art that had some kind of purpose. Not like a teapot, more like a Banksy. All Art as Propaganda. The story developed organically (artspeak for saying I wondered around blundering into ideas and discarding or adapting them on something of a well-informed whim) with ideas about climate change and world destruction. Those came from playing in a samba band associated with Extinction Rebellion, and from living for the past 3 years in the middle of hideous and large-scale roadworks on the M1. This was when the polar bear mugs (not traditional willow pattern) were introduced. The title came last...when I had worked out what the point of it all was...something Id seen on a placard at a demo (There is no) Planet B.
Obviously, I was never cut out to work in an animation house where planning is absolutely vital. But the process, the figuring it out as you go...that's the challenge and the fun part. Although drawing scones is also fun.

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